Planet Earth is a vast biosphere of unique ecosystems that require a conscious effort on our part to preserve for future generations. The Living Library Project aims to save the entire planet in as pristine a condition as nature intended by expediting off-planet colonization efforts and educating the current population of humans about the beautiful legacy that we have inherited so we can protect it.

Much like individual fingerprints or snowflakes, each planet carries its own unique biosignature. In a universe populated by countless planets and stars, it’s safe to say no two heavenly bodies are identical, even if they may be very similar. Some have been carved by interesting occurrences such as the evolution of carbon-based lifeforms – like our own Earth is currently experiencing. Humans represent a form of conscious life that has further altered the carrying capacity and biodiversity of this planet. As we extend our consciousness beyond the horizons of our home planet, we will begin to discover our role as stewards wherever we land.

Beginning here on Earth, we can restore and protect the abundant reserves of natural flora and fauna that have evolved over billions of years. These lifeforms may never exist again under any circumstance in any timeline of the cosmos. How precious and valuable is their uniqueness? Careful stewardship of our own planet can then carry forth to off-planet locales in our solar system (such as Mars) and beyond. As we mature in our understanding of life on our own biosphere, we also become responsible for the sustainable evolution of those environments that we are unwittingly destroying. We are the conscious beings impacting those regions. Our involvement is unavoidable and radical by our very nature. Therefore, we must take into our own hands the protection of these vulnerable arenas as an acceptance of our own transformative impact on every world we inhabit, starting with our own home planet.